關鍵字:水培風機,管道風機,圓形管道風機,幽浮扇 dbzz管道風機GDF系列圓形
產品簡介 GDF系列是結合國內外先進技術而設計的新型風機,進風口和出風口外形尺寸相同,風機直接與風管連接,見安裝示意圖,能夠極大地節省管道設計及安裝費用;新型設計的機殼以及依照空氣動力學設計的葉輪,能夠減少振動和噪音。適用于酒店、賓館、高級會場、超市、貯藏室、洗手間等地方的送風、排風、回風、補風和過濾。
Performance introduction
GDF series global duct fan is a new fan designed depending on advanced technology both domestic and abroad. The overall dimensions of air let and air outlet are the same. The fan connects with air duct directly, as installation instruction shows. Pipeline design and installation costs are greatly saved. According to aerodynamics can lessen vibration and reduce noise the new shell and the paddle-wheel designed. GDF series global duct fan is suitable for the hotel, the guesthouse, the senior hall, supermarket, storage and the bathroom to supply, exhaust, exhaust, make-up and filter air.
(1)外殼:采用優質冷軋板或鍍鋅板,具有優良的耐大氣腐蝕性能.進風口設計呈符合空氣動力學的形狀,便于氣流進入葉輪。進風口和出風口外形尺寸相同,以便于安裝。進風蓋和出風蓋采用螺釘連接,便于維修與清潔。(2)葉輪:GDF 100A、GDF125A、GDF150A、GDF160A圓形管道風機采用新型塑料葉輪,直徑為190mm;GDF200A、GDF250采用新型塑料葉輪或金屬葉輪,直徑為250mm;GDF315A圓形管道風機采用金屬制成,直徑為280mm。均設計成后向式葉輪,在正常運轉的情況下,均能與外殼良好配合,風量大、效率高、噪音低。葉輪與外轉子電機構成整體,成為葉輪輪轂的驅動電機被氣流高效地冷卻,可以延長風機壽命。(3)電機:采用外轉子單相異步電動機,該電機的特點是葉輪直接壓裝在電機外殼上,由電機外殼旋轉直接驅動,電機與風輪一體,結構合理,體積小,節省安裝空間;重量輕,運行平穩,效率高,壽命長。(4)接線盒:采用加有阻燃成分的ABS材料制成,防火性能較好。安裝在整機外表面接線、拆裝非常方便
(4) Wiring box: the wiring box is made of ABS fire material of withstand high temperatures. The wiring box has a good fireproof performance and it is easy to install outside the fan. Also, it is very convenient to dismount. |