關鍵字:CF-11,離心風機,外轉子風機,風機 dbzzCF-11系列多翼式低噪聲離心通風機
CF-11 series multi-vane centrifugal fans
CF一1 1系列多翼式低噪聲離心通風機具有噪聲低、效率高、風量大等優點和設計新穎、占地面積小、易于安裝、使用靈活等特點,適應現代化環保要求。是高級建筑、賓館、廠礦/船舶及地下室等場所排風、排塵、調節空氣的理想設備。 CF-11 series multi-vane centrifugal fans have the features of low-noise, high efficiency, large flows, novel design, small area occupy, easy installation and flexible use. They can meet the requirements of modern environment. They become as the ideal equipment for exhausting air, dust and air-changing in top building,hotel, mines/ships and the basement,etc.
This series of fans are based on the CF-11 centrifugal fans with low noise and use outer rotor as their driver. Compared to the original CF-11series fans, this series fans have the characteristic of lower noise, lower consume, more stable big amount of wind, nicer configuration. This series fans are widely used in all kinds of advanced building, hotel, mines, ships and the basement for the air exhaust, row of dust cleaning and ventilation. It also can be used in related refrigeration equipment.
該系列產品是在原CF一1 1低噪聲離心風機的基礎上,驅動改用外轉子電機,比原CF一1 1系列風機噪音更低,能耗更低,風量穩定,結構緊湊,廣泛適用于各類高級建筑、賓館、廠礦、船舶及地下室的排風排塵,通風換氣的需求。亦可用于制冷設備的配套工程 |