企業檔案 |
企業名稱:東莞市富森機電設備有限公司技術部 |
企業類型: 制造業 貿易商 |
企業行業:五金工具 |
企業地址:東莞市萬江區龍屋基龍福路40號 |
資料認證情況 |
企業營業執照等資料未認證,立刻認證 |
聯系信息 |
聯 系 人:
廖先生 先生 (技術員) 手 -- 機: 13751218782 電 -- 話: 86- 0769- 0769-22178105,13751218782 傳 -- 真: 86- 0769- Email: fmingliao@163.com QQ: 未填寫QQ |
公司簡介 |
東莞市富森機電設備有限公司隸屬于富山工業集團(香港)有限公司,集團公司于1990年在香港成立,是集科研開發、生產、銷售為一體的高新技術工業制造商,產品70%投放在中國大陸市場,30%銷往歐美等發達國家。現集團在大陸地區有北京恒博山科技、東莞富森機電等分支機構。 東莞市富森機電設備有限公司坐落在國際制造業名城------東莞市,是國內首家引進德國領先冷焊技術之機構,并已建立冷焊設備生產加工基地。自2005年開展中國大陸業務以來,已為國內外眾多制造企業提供FUSSEN牌系列冷焊設備,大大降低了企業的生產成本,保障了企業的可持續發展。 Dongguan Fussen Electromechanical Co., LTD, is part of the Fushan Industrial Group (Hong Kong) Ltd.. The Group Company was established in Hong Kong,in 1990. It is a high-tech industrial manufacturer with research&development, production and sales all in one. 70% of its product is put in the Chinese mainland market, and 30% is sold to Europe, the United States and other developed countries. The Group has branches in the mainland, such as Beijing Hengboshan Technology and Dongguan Fussen Electromechanical Co., LTD. Dongguan Fussen Electromechanical Co., LTD, is located in Dongguan,the international manufacturing city of Dongguan City. It is the first corporation to introduce Germany's leading technology- cold welding,into the company. And it has set up production and processing bases. Since the company carried out operations in the mainland in 2005, it has been providing FUSSEN Series cold welding equipment for many manufacturing enterprises both at home and abroad, which helps greatly in reducing the cost of production enterprises, and ensuring the sustainable development of enterprises 合作伙伴: 富士康科技 科龍集團 中舶重工 廣東巨輪模具股份 廣西玉柴股份 中國航天(061基地) 西安陜西鼓風機集團 中國北車集團(蘭州機床廠) 天津泵業集團 |