莆田中涵機配件廠是專業柱塞偶件的生產商.主要產品有VE分配泵泵頭(VE分配泵泵頭),噴油嘴(噴油嘴),柱塞(柱塞),出油閥(出油閥).作為較早進入油泵油嘴行業的專業廠,我們時刻跟蹤國際各地其它柴油燃油噴射系統的制造商的生產工藝,并且不斷吸收國際上最先進的加工,測試工.產品的質量和外觀同國外同類產品相當. 1. 我司專業生產柴油燃油噴射注射系統,已有20年的生產經營歷史,面對加入世貿組織帶來的機遇和挑戰,我司不斷調整自已的步伐,并引進先進的生產工藝和高精設備,質量達到了同行業先進水平。 2. 主要產品有VE泵及相關配件(如:泵頭,輸油泵,凸輪盤,傳動軸,電磁閥等),柱塞(有A,AD ,P,PS7100,PS8500等型號),油嘴(有DN,DNP,S,SN,PN等型號),出油閥,卡特油嘴,泵頭、、、 3. 如有您感興趣的廠品或相關咨詢,請不嗇同我們聯系,我們會竭忠盡智地為您提供最優質的產品和最真誠的服務,并盡量滿足您的要求。 1.Diesel fuel injection system component are our major products. we are a constant partner to our customers, from the planning stage right through service.In short,We don't just sell a product, We offer complete soluations. 2.28years experience in diesel fuel injection system making . 3.Hundreds of coustomers all over the world. 4.Thousands of kind components produce ability. 5.We will of course continue to do so in order to meet the increasingly complex requirements of our customers and find solution.