關鍵字:化工離心泵,脫色泵,GBK離心泵,離心油泵 dbzz
- *系列*是按照Q/BXB01-2002 GB/T5656-1994 GB/T13066-1991 GB/T3215-1982標準結構設計和制造的化工用泵,其設計新穎,結構獨特,適用性強.GBK series chemical centrifugal pump is according to Q/BXB01-2002 GB/T5656-1994 (GB/T13066-1991 T3215-1982 standard (GB/structural design and manufacture of chemical pumps, its unique structure, the design is novel, applicability.
- 尤其適用于石油、化工、油脂、日化、醫藥、食品等行業生產中輸送含有固體顆粒的液體以及各種懸浮液。
- Especially in petroleum, chemical, oil, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries in the production of liquid containing solid particles conveying and suspension.
- 泵選用不同材質,對有腐蝕性的各種液體也有優良的輸送性能。
- Pump selection of different material, there are all kinds of corrosive liquid has excellent transport properties.
- 該泵輸送溫度一般為-20℃180 ℃ ,特殊結構的可達350℃;一般采用不銹鋼、碳鋼制造,如果用戶需求,還可選用其它材質。
- This pump is the average temperature for - 200c.