供應光伏打樁機(Photovoltaic (pv) driver) |
關鍵字:光伏打樁機,光伏打樁機,光伏打樁機,光伏打樁機,光伏打樁機,光伏打樁機 dbzz 主要特點(The main features) 打樁速度快,平均3分鐘可實現打樁6米深,即3分鐘可打一個孔。 (Pile driving speed, the average 3 minutes can realize piling 6 meters deep, namely a hole three minutes to play.) 用油省,是普通打樁機用油量的一半左右,一年即可為您省下一臺打樁機錢。 (Oil province, is a common driver USES around half of a year to save the expense of a driver for you.) 鉆頭采用錳鋼制造,經過特殊加工處理,適用于各種地質環境。 (Bit using manganese steel manufacturing, through special processing, are suitable for all kinds of geological environment.) 履帶或輪式行走,行走和爬坡能力強。(Tracked or wheeled walking, walking and climbing ability.) 車架可前后移動,鉆頭可左右調節,打樁定位準確。(the frame can be moved back and forth around bit can be adjust, piling positioning accuracy.)
聯系人:王麗 微信:13287223671 電 話:0537-2670858 手機:13287223671 QQ:1503517712 |
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