關鍵字:一次性醫療消毒產品 dbzz1.采用特殊雙面膠帶粘合封口,無需專業設備即可實現快速有效封口;1.Adopt special double-sided tape to adhesive seal quickly and effectively without professional equipment.
2.采用三條防爆邊工藝,有效防止破裂;2.Adopt three side explosion-proof technology to prevent burst effectively.
3.提供滅菌變色指示,滅菌狀態明確;3.With sterilization change-color instructions to show sterilization conditions clearly.
4.通過透明薄膜可清晰看內裝物品,有效防止差錯;4.See interior items clearly through transparent film.
適應滅菌方式:環氧乙烷(ETO),壓力蒸汽(STEAM)Adapt to sterilization methods: Ethylene oxide (ETO), pressure steam (STEAM)
適合:醫院、門診滅菌包裝;美容用品使用前的消毒;實驗室用品的滅菌包裝;For: hospitals, outpatient sterilization packaging; beauty products sterilization packaging prior to use; laboratory supplies sterilization packaging; household high temperature sterilization packaging . |